Monday, November 25, 2013

2014 Winter Marketing Educators Conference

2014 Winter Marketing Educators Conference

JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes
4040 Central Florida Parkway, Orlando, FL 32837
2/21/2014 1:00 PM - 2/23/2014 5:00 PM
Register by 1/9/2014 11:55 PM for early registration fee

Preliminary Program
The Preliminary Program is available here​.
Author Information
Authors will receive an email notification regarding acceptance statuses. Information will also be made available at
Registration Information
Click the "Registration" tab for convenient online registration 

Registration Rates ​By 9 Jan. 2014 ​After 9 Jan. 2014
​AMA Member ​$445 ​$545
​Non-Member ​$745 ​$845
Doctoral Student AMA-Member ​$245 ​$345

Doctoral Students must call +1.800.262.1150 or use a paper registration form available here >> 
Program Information
Click the "Schedule" tab for information regarding the conference program.
2014 Conference Co-Chairs
Gary Hunter, Case Western Reserve University​​​​​​
Tom Steenburgh, University of Virginia
​The Winter Marketing Educators' Conference is a global meeting of marketing educators designed to encourage the development, dissemination, and utilization of marketing knowledge. Register today to be a part of the premier forum for marketing scholarship and intellectual exchange.​​ This year it is held 21-23 February 2014 in Orlando, Florida.
Attend #AMAWinterEd, and you'll be sure to:
  • Hear from some of marketing academia’s key thought leaders in compelling special sessions 
  • Gain exposure to cutting-edge research from a diverse array of scholars.
  • ​Establish and deepen relationships with your peers in networking breaks & receptions, an awards luncheon, and a special event. 
With over 40 nations represented at the Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, attendees from outside the United States are strongly encouraged to attend. Those individuals needing assistance with visa applications should contact Matt Weingarden. Further information regarding travel to the US can be found at the US Department of State.
Sponsor & Exhibit Contact
To learn more about AMA Event Sponsorship or Exhibition opportunities, please contact Lore Gil at or call 312.542.9033.
All cancellations and requests for refunds must be submitted to the AMA via email at Cancellations received four weeks prior to the event start date will receive a refund minus a $150 early cancellation fee. Cancellations received after that date will receive a refund minus a $300 late cancellation fee. 

Registrants wishing to cancel may send someone to take their place without penalty if they send a written request with the replacement person’s name to at least two weeks prior to the event start date.

No refunds will be given as of 7 February 2014. 

A conference registration may not be shared by two or more individuals. Space is limited and on-site registration cannot be guaranteed. Separate cancellation policies may exist for pre-conference programs, tutorials, and other associated events. Hotel and transportation reservation cancellations must be handled by the individual registrant directly with the hotel, airline and/or other company.

Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Benefits of Waking Up Early

The early bird catches the worm, so the expression goes. But is there really any truth behind this? According to recent studies, there are actual recognizable benefits to waking up early.

Benefits of Waking Up Early

1. Becoming an early riser will make you more successful.
It is plain and simple. A 2008 study out of Texas University concluded that those students identifying themselves as morning people earned a full point higher on their GPAs than those who identified themselves as night owls. Who knew waking up early could be the difference between a 4.0 and a 3.0?
2. Studies have shown that morning people are actually happier than night owls.
We are not just referring to being happier for those 15 minutes in the morning, but rather they are happier with life overall. Night owl tendencies tend to fade as people age, and the study says this switch to a morning-focused schedule could be why older adults are happier than younger ones. The study involved two populations: the first was made up of 435 adults ages 17 to 38, and the second of 297 older adults, ages 59 to 79. Both groups answered questions about their emotional state, how healthy they feel and their preferred “time of day.”
“We found that older adults reported greater positive emotion than younger adults, and older adults were more likely to be morning-type people than younger adults,” Biss said. “The ‘morningness’ was associated with greater happiness emotions in both age groups.”
3. Morning people are often in better shape than night owls.
The reasoning behind this is simple. Waking up early allows people extra time to exercise before the family is awake or before their official work day begins. For this reason, many successful businesspeople wake up early. This morning exercise helps to boost mood and provides energy for the rest of the day.
Want to get more stuff done in less time? Get our free E-Book on Productivity Hacks, here.
4. Many say that waking up early leads to increased productivity.
Morning people have time in the morning to do work before everyone else is awake to distract them. Whether this ... is sending some emails from home or going into work early for an hour of quiet, uninterrupted  time to focus. A recent study by Christopher Randler, a biology professor at the University of Education at Heidelberg, surveyed 367 university students, asking them when they were the most energetic and willing to change a situation. According to the study:
“It was the morning people who were more likely to agree with statements such as “I feel in charge of making things happen” and “I spend time identifying long-range goals for myself.”
wake up
5. Various studies have linked waking up early to possessing healthy character traits.
Morning people are more likely to exhibit traits like optimism, satisfaction and conscientiousness. Night owls, those linked with creativity and intelligence, are more likely to exhibit traits such as depression, pessimism and neurotic behavior. So if you tend to stay up late and want to live a better life, should you start waking up early?
If you are already productive and happy, stick to what you know. Mornings aren’t for everybody. But if you are looking for a way to improve the way you live, consider waking up earlier. You never know, it could make a huge difference.

The Takeaway

Early risers are more likely to be successful, healthy and happy compared to their night-owl friends. If you want a boost in productivity, health or well being, try waking up early; it may give you the extra edge you need to reach your goals.


Sleep Duration or Bedtime? Exploring the Relationship between Sleep Habits and Weight Status and Activity Patterns. Health and Use of Time (HUT) Group, Sansom Institute for Health Research, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia.
Early to Bed, Early to Rise! Sleep habits and academic performance in college students. Scholars Program, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD 20850, USA.
Photos by virexmachina and silentmind8
Updated by the Inspiyr Team April 30, 2013. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Global Entrepreniuers Week



Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare.
During one week each November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. These activities, from large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings, connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors—introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities.
Millions who had never before considered launching their own ventures soak up advice and inspiration from the likes of Richard Branson, Michael Dell and Muhammad Yunus. Thousands of brand new startups spring to life through bootcamps like Startup Weekend and competitions like Startup Open. Hundreds of universities strengthen connections that help them commercialize research from their labs. Researchers and policymakers engage in discussions around the world to examine the underlying policies necessary to promote entrepreneurial growth. And serial entrepreneurs share their expertise through activities like EO24, run by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, and practical training courses like FastTrac.
Meanwhile, world leaders and local elected officials alike have embraced the campaign as they look to fuel the economic engine of high-growth startups in their own countries and communities. During 2012 alone, presidents and prime ministers from 20 countries supported Global Entrepreneurship Week while 93 ministers from 54 countries participated by speaking at activities during the Week, filming statements of support or otherwise endorsing the national campaigns in their countries.
GEW is more than just an awareness campaign. It is a platform for connection and collaboration—engaging all players along the entrepreneurship spectrum in strengthening ecosystems around the world.
Brought to you by The YETT Institute of Business

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Young Entrepreneurs can change the World!


Today we are proud to launch, a brand & education firm created to provide tools, knowledge, inspiration, services, and education to young entrepreneurs under the age of 30. The motivation behind The YETT Institute comes from its creator Brittany Monet's own experiences and challenges as young entrepreneur. Her desire to want to be a entrepreneur fueled her to education herself on the how to be successful and really what success means to an entrepreneur. From her failures to successes she wanted to create a place where #youngentrepreneurs could come and receive professional branding services along with education that is for them and by them. If you’ve from the ages of 18-30 and have been dreaming of starting your own business or growing your existing one, please reach to The YETT Institute of Business. Be successful!! Details of what YETT offers: • Brand Development • Marketing services • Public relations • Writing services • Business Coaching Event planning Follow us on Social Media to receive: • Daily inspiration to keep you motivated and on path with starting or growing your business • Inspirational and motivational interviews with #youngentrepreneurs that have been in your shoes. • Reviews of other entrepreneurial resources specifically young entrepreneurs, such as entrepreneurial books, websites, blogs, and magazines • Early notification of upcoming events you may find invaluable for learning and networking We invite you to join us on this journey and allow us to partner with you towards your success!