The early bird catches the worm, so the expression goes. But is there
really any truth behind this? According to recent studies, there are
actual recognizable benefits to waking up early.
Benefits of Waking Up Early
1. Becoming an early riser will make you more successful.
It is plain and simple. A 2008 study out of Texas University
concluded that those students identifying themselves as morning people
earned a full point higher on their GPAs than those who identified
themselves as night owls. Who knew
waking up early could be the difference between a 4.0 and a 3.0?
2. Studies have shown that morning people are actually happier than night owls.
We are not just referring to being happier for those 15 minutes in the morning, but rather they are
happier with life overall.
Night owl tendencies tend to fade as people age, and the study says
this switch to a morning-focused schedule could be why older adults are
happier than younger ones. The study involved two populations: the first
was made up of 435 adults ages 17 to 38, and the second of 297 older
adults, ages 59 to 79. Both groups answered questions about their
emotional state, how healthy they feel and their preferred “time of
“We found that older adults reported
greater positive emotion than younger adults, and older adults were more
likely to be morning-type people than younger adults,” Biss said. “The
‘morningness’ was associated with greater happiness emotions in both age
3. Morning people are often in better shape than night owls.
The reasoning behind this is simple. Waking up early allows people
extra time to exercise before the family is awake or before their
official work day begins. For this reason, many successful
businesspeople wake up early. This morning exercise helps to boost mood
and provides
energy for the rest of the day.
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4. Many say that waking up early leads to increased productivity.
Morning people have time in the morning to do work before everyone else is awake to distract them. Whether this ... is sending some emails from home or going into work early for an hour of
quiet, uninterrupted time to focus. A recent study by Christopher
Randler, a biology professor at the University of Education at
Heidelberg, surveyed 367 university students, asking them when they were
the most energetic and willing to change a situation.
According to the study:
“It was the morning people who were
more likely to agree with statements such as “I feel in charge of making
things happen” and “I spend time identifying long-range goals for
5. Various studies have linked waking up early to possessing healthy character traits.
Morning people are more likely to exhibit traits like
satisfaction and conscientiousness. Night owls, those linked with
creativity and intelligence, are more likely to exhibit traits such as
depression, pessimism and neurotic behavior. So if you tend to stay up late and want to
live a better life, should you start waking up early?
If you are already productive and happy, stick to what you know.
Mornings aren’t for everybody. But if you are looking for a way to
improve the way you live, consider waking up earlier. You never know, it could make a huge difference.
The Takeaway
Early risers are more likely to be successful, healthy and happy
compared to their night-owl friends. If you want a boost in
productivity, health or well being, try waking up early; it may give you
the extra edge you need to reach your goals.
Sleep Duration or Bedtime? Exploring the Relationship between Sleep Habits and Weight Status and Activity Patterns. Health
and Use of Time (HUT) Group, Sansom Institute for Health Research,
University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia.
Early to Bed, Early to Rise! Sleep habits and academic performance in college students. Scholars Program, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD 20850, USA.
Photos by
virexmachina and
Updated by the Inspiyr Team April 30, 2013.